It is true that black lives matter. It is true that all lives matter. It is true that science is real. It is true that matter is black. Welcome to Matter Is Black, a multi-media project that creatively explores the idea of blackness, matter, and the prevailing human spirit that is our true common bond. While you’re in this sacred space, allow yourself to feel whatever flows into your awareness and do yourself the biggest favor and take whatever tool of expression is closest and channel them immediately. Be it pen and pad or paintbrush or microphone for humanity’s sake, create! When you’re ready, share it… why? Because harmony. Artists have historically demonstrated against war and social injustice but Matter Is Black asserts that we are all artists with not just an ability but a responsibility to create. Remember that the universe is literal. If the world is to be harmonious then every voice is needed to add to a pleasing effect. Let’s not reinvent the atom here, just add your energy to rearrange the form.